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Principal's Page

Principal Chris Audette

Dudley Elementary Principal Audette image

Greetings Dudley Elementary School Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  I am so excited to begin my journey at Dudley Elementary School as your new principal.  As a lifelong learner, I continue to grow and learn every day alongside the children.  Being a Dudley EL Top Dog is something very special.  This year, we will be learning all about the character traits that make us Top Dogs.  Our Dudley El Behavior Expectations are another great resource to discover the many qualities that make us special as Top Dogs.

As your principal, I believe in creating a school culture grounded in positive relationships, joyful learning, and innovative practices.  Teaching and learning is my passion, and I truly believe that it takes a village to raise a child.  I look forward to collaborating with you in support of our children.

Every week, I will share a DES Peek at Next Week newsletter outlining important updates and information for the week ahead.  Look for it in your inbox on Friday afternoons.  Paper communications from my office will typically go home on Take Home Tuesdays.  Look for them in your child’s communications folder.  I am absolutely thrilled to be part of the team at Dudley Elementary School.  Please let me know how I can support you and the Dudley El community.  Go Top Dogs!

All the best,

Chris Audette
Dudley Elementary School Principal